Understanding Active Participation in the Sacred Liturgy

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This course examines the groundbreaking insights into liturgical theology and practice which set the context for the Second Vatican Council’s famous call for “active participation” in the sacred liturgy. Beginning in the nineteenth century and continuing up to the Council documents themselves, the writings of great liturgical thinkers are examined to provide the understanding of liturgical participation as a mystical sharing in the very actions of Christ through the rites of the Church.

Understanding Active Participation in the Sacred Liturgy 

Class 1: What is Active Participation?

Class 2: The Theology of Prosper Guéranger

Class 3: Pope Pius X and Tra Le Sollecitudini

Class 4: The Theology of Lambert Beauduin

Class 5: Sacrosanctum Concilium and Active Participation

Taught by Dr. Denis McNamara

Dr. Denis McNamara is Associate Professor of Sacramental Aesthetics and Academic Director at the Liturgical Institute, where he teaches a course on the Liturgical Movement. He holds a BA from Yale University and a PhD from the University of Virginia.  

His study of the Liturgical Movement began over 20 years ago when he began researching the movement’s influence on architecture, but has grown over two decades to involve its larger questions of theology and liturgical participation.  

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